I am super excited to be doing this link up! I adore 2 of the blogs that do this one (I'll find the 3rd person's blog ASAP.) The last Wednesday of every month they answer the following questions. I've not joined in before...mostly because I've been sucking at blogging the past 3 years...but I've been back this month so here goes!
What we're eating this week....
On the menu this week we've had:
Monday: Baked Chicken Breasts, green beans & rice for dinner on Monday. I used
this recipe. I've made it before after searching Pinterest. It is quite frankly the best basic baked chicken dish I've ever tried. Super simple & just delicious. Even my kids ask for seconds.
Tuesday: Poor Man's Beef Stew. I also got this one from Pinterest. It was my first time making it and I hate to say it, but I really didn't like it. My husband thought it was alright though. I won't link it because I don't want to offend the poor person whose blog I found it on. I have an amazing beef stew recipe that I love but wanted to try something new. This just didn't fit the bill.
Wednesday (tonight): I don't know what we're having. I didn't plan anything, but will probably just have tomato soup & grilled cheese. It's the night before the most major food holiday. I don't want much.
Thursday is Thanksgiving so obviously we're having the traditional turkey etc for dinner. Friday will be leftovers. Then Saturday & Sunday I haven't made a plan yet, which is pretty unlike me. The holiday sort of made me lazy on the food front this week.
What I am reminiscing about...
Thanks to Time Hop on my cell phone I am remembering how my baby shower with Matthew was just after Thanksgiving 4 years ago. That was such an amazing shower for so many reasons.
I also am thinking of Black Friday in past years. It was always a tradition that my Mom, my Oma (Mom's Mom) and I hit the Galleria Mall in St. Louis. I miss my Oma quite a lot. Plus my Mom and I aren't spending Thanksgiving together again this year so I miss her too.
What I'm loving...
Oh boy....that's a tough one! What am I not loving these days...haha!! I got a new hairbrush recently. It's called The Wet Brush. I can't find the print I got (black chevron), but I like that leopard print one too. It's AMAZING!!!! My hair is super fine and then combine post partum hormones & breastfeeding and my hair has issues. This brush really has helped.
What we've been up to...
Not a whole lot honestly. With getting over illness, I've kept the schedule pretty free. The kids have played outside in our backyard and I've done stuff around the house. We did get out to Target & the library yesterday. During a windstorm no less....yes I am crazy!
What I am dreading...
Wrapping gifts. I am doing really well on the Christmas shopping front, so wrapping is coming my way. I used to love wrapping presents, but the past several years it is just a chore! And being a perfectionist on some things makes it way worse. I've been known to just give up & use a ton of tape. (Sorry family!)
What I am working on...
Calendars that we give to the Grandparents as gifts. I was going to skip that this year, but my Mom really talked it up so I figured I better keep that gift up. I was afraid they might be bored with the same gift, but I guess not. So Snapfish it is for my calendar project! Plus I've gotta hit up Costco photo for our Christmas cards.
What I am excited about...
Christmas!! It's my favorite holiday. I really do love it. The kiddos loved Christmas last year and this year I think they'll love it even more. Next year I know Benjamin will love it too.
The tree last year. Can't wait for this year!! |
What I am watching/reading...
I just finished reading a book called "The Wife, The Maid And The Mistress" by Ariel Lawhon. It was really good.
Watching...not much since we got rid of the cable and though we've got an Amazon Fire Stick my kids rule the tv most of the time. I did watch a dance series "Flesh & Bone" the other night. Okay so I got through half an episode. I love ballet dramas. There's a few things I'll be fast forwarding through, but the dancing is great so I'll try and tune in again.
What I'm listening to..
Not much honestly. I love talk radio. My favorite is 97.3 Kiro out of Seattle.
What I am wearing...
I don't have makeup on today (not even some tinted moisturizer) so no pictures of my outfit. I am however wearing the jeans that are in the following picture. I adore these jeans. They were from when I worked at White House Black Market. That company has amazing jeans!!

What I'm doing this weekend...
Finishing my Christmas shopping! My goal is to be done with the shopping by December 1st. I am on track to make it if I use my weekend well. I'll also do my usual Mass on Sunday and just relax with the family.
What I am looking forward to next month....
Wreaths Across America Day on December 12th. This is a Global event where wreaths are placed on Veterans graves across the country. It starts at 9am PST (to be in line with noon at Arlington National Cemetery) and is just a fantastic event. It brings me to tears as we honor of country's Veterans this way. This year I will lead the Pledge of Allegiance at our local WAA ceremony and one of the wreaths being placed is in my Grandfather's memory since he was a US Navy Veteran.
What else is new...
Good question.....not much else is new. With having to blog every day to complete my 30 day challenge I think I've said a lot in November.
November was a good month for cleaning up some post-Active Duty life loose ends. Avery got his first civilian pay checks, drilled with the reserves for the first time (and got paid, yay!), we got health insurance & new doctors all squared away, got reserve IDs....all the last things I was worrying about are cleared up. I am really thankful for that since I know the transition from AD to civilian life can be really tough. Ours was relatively painless all things considered!