Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day and Matthew Update

Matthew & Daddy meeting for lunch.
Last year, Avery was deployed and I was pregnant with our little dude.  This year Avery is home and we are a week away from celebrating Little Dude's 5 month birthday.  What a year! I remember asking a friend of mine last year, if she ever wondered what kind of Dad her husband would be before their baby was born. She said "no" and I recall feeling awkward having asked.  I asked not out of malice towards Avery, but of sheer unknowing. Yeah, we'd discussed kids tons of time, but I really had no idea how either of us would be as parents.  I can say honestly, seeing my husband be a Daddy to Matthew has been a joy. He loves our son like no other.  When I lose patience he's there and vice versa. Matthew adores his Daddy and I know the feeling is mutual.  With that I say- HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, AVERY!

Update on Matthew: As I have mentioned previously, Matthew came down with a fever shortly before Mother's Day.  At this 4 month well baby appointment, his pediatrician asked me if the ER had ever called to tell us what the outcome of his urine culture had been.  (Since she was not the doctor who ordered the urine test, the results weren't sent to her immediately.) The ER had not called. Turns out Matthew had a UTI, but since he had been given the 24 hour antibiotic shot at the ER, she felt he was probably fine. Nevertheless, she wanted to have him get an ultrasound of his kidney's just to check him out.  He had the u/s this past week Tuesday.  The tech said she saw some "fullness" in his kidney's, but did not elaborate and the radiologist didn't come in to see us. Lt. D (his pedi) called on Thursday and said she also saw the fullness, so Matthew is being referred to a kidney doctor in Tacoma at the children's hospital there.  Naval hospital is great, but they are very small and do not have all the resources we may need for him regarding this issue. We are not worried and feel good to have a doctor who is so proactive with Matthew's care.


  1. Happy Father's Day Avery! God has blessed your family with enormous love. Matthew is continuously in our prayers and hopefully all goes well with his check-up at the children's hospital!

  2. Bremerton/Bangor are pretty unless for medical care. I have referrals out to Tacoma, Seattle, Madigan and Silverdale. Hope your babe feels better!
