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This Weeks Questions:
1. What is the name if your blog? Ramblings of a Sailor's Lady
2. What do you love most about blogging? The other blogs I find to read. Reading about other people's lives is like people watching on a grander scale. 3. Why did you start blogging? No lie- the people who made my wedding cake had a blog & I thought it was cool and I wanted to be cool too. Plus some of my friends had blogs and again I wanted to be cool like them. Now I blog, because it's fun. 4. What is something you’d want to tell someone just starting out in the blog world? Follow lots of other blogs and do the link ups. It really gets traffic to your blog. Oh and link to Facebook, because your friends are nosy & will read even if they don't follow officially. 5. Biggest blogging learning experience you’ve had? Hmm...tough question. I can't think of anything honestly. Maybe make sure you approve your comments, because then if someone says something you don't like or want the world to see, you can easily monitor it.
Blogtember isn't on weekends, so I decided to try this link up on for size. It's not bad. I might just do it again. It's stormy here too. Duh, we're in WA so of course it's stormy. ;-)

Sunday, September 15, 2013
Sunday Social
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I am glad you decided to join. Please come back again. It's really fun and you can make tons of friends. I am glad you decided to start blogging for yourself. It's a wonderful feeling.