NOTE: This post was written January 6th, 2015 and pretty much explains why I've been MIA from the blog.
This blog won't be published for many months, but I want to write it down so I don't forget. Yesterday, at about 9am, I took a pregnancy test because I was 2 days late starting my period. I didn't feel pregnant. In fact I felt bloated and thought for sure my period had to be coming soon. Yet something told me I had to take a test. I only had 1 pregnancy test left in the house, leftover from a scare we had in November, so I admittedly thought how silly this was to be wasting a test. At first I really thought it was negative. It's one of those plus sign dye tests and the line that would mean not pregnant came first. I began to breath a sigh of relief and then suddenly the other line came up. Pregnant. Dark blue. Definitely a positive.
I cried a lot and started to shake. I was freaking out, because after everything we went through to get Matthew, here I am getting another "free" miracle. It baffles me. I can't believe God's goodness. I called my Mom immediately. (Avery was out getting coffee.) I won't lie and say I was completely thrilled. I was terrified of Avery's reaction. And as I should of been. To say it was a pleasant reaction would be untrue. (For the record, now months later....he was terrified with all the life changes we've got going on and he has come around and is happy to be welcoming our 3rd child.)
I called the doctor's office to find out the next steps. This will be my first child born at a Military hospital. I've always used civilian hospitals. At this hospital they order you a urine test. I hiked up there last evening with Matthew & Julia to do the test. This morning I was ordered to call family practice back so I could talk to a nurse. A nurse who delivers the news. The way the receptionist was on the phone, for a moment I figured they'd tell me there was some mistake. There wasn't. I am pregnant. 4 weeks 6 days today, 1/6/2015. As of now, I am due 9/9/2015. Right after my 30th birthday. I always had it in my brain that I wanted to be done having my kids by age 30. Well I guess God really took that to heart and listened. :) (My due date was changed to 8/31/2015, the day before my 30th birthday after a 12 week dating u/s.)
Without getting super personal, I don't know what's about to happen in my life; year 2015 was already the year of changes to our lives and this just adds a whole new dimension.
I am scared, yet honestly so happy. I don't know how on Earth I am going to handle 3 kids, but I can't wait to find out.