I haven't really felt like blogging prompts lately. I feel like I'm not very "real" when I do blog prompts. But today's prompt is very much up my alley. The prompt is: "A "life lately" post. What you're up to, how you're feeling, how you're doing on your goals, etc. Bonus points for great photos!"
This is one I can do!!
So...here's what's been going on lately:
1. I've been insanely busy. Attending training, carting kids to play dates and keeping the house standing. Apparently, my indoor only cats got fleas and brought them home or maybe the house gave them to the cats. However they got here, we've been doing flea battle for a week. Last night, thankfully, both my husband and I were fed up with doing this battle ourselves. So we've called in the experts and terminix is coming tomorrow. Thank you sweet Jesus! I was so upset to find the fleas. In my head I thought you only got fleas if you didn't clean enough (and those who know me well know my cleaning schedule.) Well our veterinarian tells us that is just not the case. Apparently just walking in the grass can bring them in your home and it won't matter how hard you clean. Either way....I'm thanking the lord (no joke) for the exterminator coming tomorrow.
2. Little Dude has a cold. I love my son, but he doesn't do colds well. He is crabby and just mad at the world. He's obviously inherited my impatience for illness. It's cool...I get him. Little Dude being sick is exhausting though due to his impatience. Thankfully his sister isn't effected and *cross your fingers* my husband and I don't get sick, though the jury is still out on that one of course.
3. It's raining, it's pouring....yeah typical Washington weather. Hopefully we'll get 2 days of sun this week, but the weather changes every 12 hours here sometimes I swear!
4. I found a new tinted moisturizer that I love. Aveeno is rocking my world on the days I'm exhausted and don't want to use makeup, but need a pick me up.
5. I've read a few books lately. I read "Tell the Wolves I'm Home" recently. It's supposed to be for a book club I joined here, but I'm suspicious of them actually ever getting together to discuss it. I miss my book club in Hawaii that actually had their act together.
6. Little Miss turned 4 months on Saturday. I'll have to get a 4 month picture and do a special blog post. Maybe by Wednesday....we shall see.
Have a good one my friends!