Wednesday, September 4, 2013

3 months...Blogtember day 2

Today's prompt for Blogtember is:  If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? 

I really really wish I had a neat answer, but this was a tough one. At the moment I'm pumping so my daughter can have a bottle those times I'm away from my first instinct is to say I'd pump for 3 months to help babies in need. But then I thought that answer was rather boring.  (Though definite kudos to Medela for making a great pump.)  Anyway...let's get to the fun stuff. If I had 3 months on my own, I'd go back to Hawaii & see and do the things we missed while we lived there. I'd also pack in some scrapbooking with the BFF who lives in Hawaii still. 

Google search of Molokai
The top thing on my list to see would be the island of Molokai. This is the island where the lepers were forced to live after they were kicked out of living on the other islands, because of their disease. This is also where Father Damian did his work & where his reason for sainthood occurred. I've read several books about what happened there and I desperately want to see the island and the old leprosy colony.

3 months of course would never be enough though. I miss Hawaii very much. It was such a unique place to live.

Bon Voyage....if only....

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