Monday, November 16, 2015

Day 16: It's Raining!


Day 16: Weather! Well....I am not sure there is much I can really say. It's November in Washington which means it is raining. And by raining I mean raining a lot. It's cold and damp. It's a good day to snuggle by the fireplace in your coziest pajamas while drinking hot cocoa and reading a book. Except that may only exist for people with no children or children who are older. Or people who aren't control freaks like myself who don't know the meaning of relax. Thus it's a rainy day in Washington where I am wearing my favorite jeans from Banana Republic, a camisole and a perfect Puma sweatshirt that I randomly got at Costco in like July and saved for after I was done being pregnant.
(I wish I'd bought it in more colors...I wear this sweatshirt every single week!)

People are going to call me crazy, but I'd love a little snow. I learned to drive in the snow and grew up in the Midwest, so snow doesn't really phase me like it seems to do with the rest of the people here in WA.  Plus snow is possibly the only weather that forces me to slow down a bit. Oh heck who am I kidding....that's a lie!
Either way...snow is something we hardly get where I live in WA and it's kind of nice & holidayish! It makes me think of Christmas and snow days when I was a kid where I'd get to stay home & play with my toys and watch daytime television.

For now I am thankful for a rainy afternoon where I am feeling good, the kids are napping (Can I get a Praise Jesus!), and with the exception of the annoying kitty water's quiet!

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